What to think about a hacker? Are they doing good works, or are they a risk to national security? In our world today hackers are at the front of controversy. WikiLeaks is a group that wants to bring confidential documents to the public eye.

The hacker group, Anonymous, has been at the front of controversies as well. Anonymous, like WikiLeaks, wants to show the public how easy it is for someone to hack into accounts, and they want to expose things to the public. Is this an issue of national security? Are their intentions good? Maybe, maybe not.

Our founding fathers believed in a check-and-balance system. It is apart of our constitution. People keeping a check on the government is not an issue; however; in America, we elect officials to do that. Sometimes our representatives may not do a good job, or they may not be the most credible people for the job. A group like Anonymous wants to take the responsibility. They want transparency in America. They contradict this thought. If you are going to bring something to light, why not, in the words of coach Herm Edwards, put your name on it? Why not own up to the discoveries? Not as group, but as a man or woman. They want transparency, yet they hide behind a mask. They are the vigilante to America, like Batman is to Gotham City. Sometimes we do not need the vigilante. The vigilante does not always win.

Vigilante Justice

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